Ariocarpus retusus is native to Mexico (San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon).
The main body is covered with bluish-green tubercles and adult plants can reach a diameter of up to 25 cm. The white to pale pink flowers appear in summer and are open during the day (diurnal). The plants have a long tap root and watering should be done with care in summer and withheld in winter.
It is a variable species, especially concerning the shape of the tubercles as llustrated in the photographs below.
Ariocarpus retusus should be kept in a sunny position with a well drained rich porous soil.
The seed from Ariocarpus retusus germinates quite readily but growth like others in the genus is very slow.
Seedgrown mature Ariocarpus species are currently on auction at Ariocarpus and rare Cacti auction.
The following photographs are from the collection of Gerhard Marx. All the plants are grown from seed and are many years old.
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