Gasteria rawlinsonii is a most unusual Gasteria from the Baviaanskloof in the Eastern Cape. Unlike other Gasterias the stems of Gasteria rawlinsonii continue to elongate with age, giving rise to numerous distichous leaves along its length. The plants up to 1 meter in length, usually grow pendent over the steep rocks.
Gasteria rawlinsonii is presently known to occur over a distance of some 30 km, from Studis to Geelhoutboskloof. Because the habitat is so inaccessible the plants may well have a wider ditribution. The main flowering time is from July to November but flowering occurs at other times also.
Although Gasteria rawlinsonii is fairly easy to grow from seed, the plants are more difficult in cultivation then other Gasterias. Seedlings need to be treated regularly with fungiside.

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