This blog is dedicated to plants from desert regions around the world as well as plants that have adapted to withstand arid conditions, but do not occur in real deserts. Many of the plants are found in arid semi-desert regions. There will be a greater emphasis on succulent plants, but others will also be included. This blog deals with desert plants of the Americas, Africa, Arabia and others. We are situated in South Africa and South African plants are likely to feature more dominantly. The pictures taken are from our private botanical desert garden at Leopoort near Oudtshoorn, from plants in nature, as well as other collections.

Also visit out sister blog Desert Plants Images

Eriospermum crispum is endemic to the arid Little Karoo where it occurs sporadically growing in between ferri-crete pebbles in apronveld. This rare species only occurs in the areas between Oudtshoorn and Calitzdorp.

A single wavy gray-green erect leaf is produced in winter.

The flowers are creamy white with a single green line and the raceme is less then 20 cm tall.

The cultivation of Eriospermum crispum is similar to others in the genus. The tuber should be planted about one or 2 cm below the soil surface. The resting period is in summer when watering should be done sparingly. A well drained soil is recommended.

Propagation is by sowing the white cotton-like seeds or making cuttings from the tuber.

Eriospermum   crispumEriospermum crispum near Oudtshoorn.


Vlok,J and A. Plants of the Klein Karoo. Hatfield: Umdaus Press, 2010.