Pelargonium curviandrum is endemic to the Little Karoo in the Southern Cape. This small geophyte is occasionally found growing in the open, but mostly prefers cooler aspects like the protection of other shrub, and avoiding the hot northern slopes of hillsides.
The leaf shape is reminiscent of the common garden Pelargonium (Geranium) with palmate venation and crenate margins. There is extreme variation in the indentation of the leaf margins however, even at the same locality, making the species almost unrecognizable from one plant to the next.
The plants are dormant in summer and only become visible when the leaves appear during the cooler season.
At Leopoort, south of Oudtshoorn, the attractive yellow flowers with variable patterns of maroon, have been observed at the end of the dormant season around March. Mr. Charles Craib (Geophytic Pelargoniums (2001) - Umdaus Press) mentions plants flowering consistently around October and November. This could perhaps point to variation at different localities.
The tuber of Pelargonium curviandrum is elongated or roundish forming secondary tubers underground with age.
Pelargonium curviandrum can be propagated from seed or dividing the tubers.
Please note that some of the following images are indeed NOT of Pelargonium curviandrum. I shall rectify as soon as possible.
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